How to Fix Curb Rash on Rims (Professional Guide to Repair Rims Easily)

If you’re a car owner who drives frequently, you must know the feeling of adrenaline pumping through your veins while taking on tight turns. No matter how skilled you are behind the wheel, sometimes mistakes happen on the road.

You could feel confident and in control of your ride, only to misjudge a turn and scrape your wheel against an unforgiving curb. And that’s exactly why even the most skilled drivers hesitate when making those gnarly, tight turns.

One wrong move and you hear a cringe-worthy sound of metal on concrete as the rims scrape against the curbs. The result? A jarring curb rash on your precious rims.

And let’s face it; curb rashes can be a real pain in the neck. It’s a gut-wrenching feeling that every car owner fears. Especially if you’re dealing with expensive rims whose replacement can dent your wallet.

Maybe you’ve fallen victim to this unfortunate incident that led you here. If so, you must be looking for an affordable solution to fix it.

Whether you’re a seasoned mechanic or a novice, this detailed guide on how to fix curb rash on rims is for you. So, sit tight as we’re about to begin.

Things You’ll Need

Before getting into the nuts and bolts of repairing the curb rash on your car rims, ensure you get these tools.

  • Sandpaper & Sanding Blocks: You’ll need sandpaper to remove the rough edges of the curb rash. Sanding blocks will help to keep the sandpaper flat against the surface.
  • Wheel Cleaner: You’ll also require a good quality wheel cleaner to dissolve brake dust and other contaminants. Look for a cleanser that’s safe for your specific rim material.
  • Filler: Use a filler material to fill in deeper gouges or holes. You can use different fillers or putties, but choose one designed for your rim material.

    In this guide, we’re going to use Bondo Filler.
  • Masking Tape: You’ll also need masking tape to protect the tire and valve stem from filler or paint.
  • Putty Knife / Filler Spatula: To apply the filler evenly onto the rims, get a putty knife or filler spatula.
  • Primer, Paint & Clear Coat: Choose a high-quality paint compatible with your rim material. An automotive primer can help prepare the surface for painting. Finally, you’ll need a clear top coat to protect the paint and give the rim a glossy finish.
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Steps to Repair Curb Rash on Rims

Grabbed the tools? Now it’s time to put your wheelman persona aside and unleash your inner grease, monkey. So buckle up, fellow car enthusiast, because we’re about to take you on a DIY curb rash repair adventure that won’t break the bank.

Step 1: Clean the Damaged Rim

The rim must be thoroughly cleaned as the first step in curb rash removal. Use a high-quality wheel cleaner and a microfiber towel to remove any stubborn soil, brake dust, and minor iron deposits from the surface.

Make sure the wheel is completely dry before you proceed further.

Step 2: Prepare the Surface for Filling

Once cleaned, spray the affected area with coarse grit sandpaper (around 400-600) to even out large and deep gouges. Then gradually switch to finer grit sandpapers (around 800-1500 grit) to smooth out smaller, lighter scratches.

Continue sanding until the surface is feathered out. Use a sanding block to ensure even sanding.

Finally, clean the rim with the wheel cleaner to remove any sanding dust that may scratch the rims during the procedure.

Step 3: Fill the Gouges

Cover the tire and any sections of the wheel that you don’t want to get any product on with masking tape. Use a putty knife to apply a small amount of Bondo filler onto the curb rash.

Smooth it out and let it dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions. When dry, sand the repaired area using fine-grit sandpaper (800-1500 grit) until smooth and level with the rest of the trim.

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Step 4: Painting the Rim

Apply a coat of primer to the fillered area to provide a smooth base for the paint to adhere. Now, apply a thin coat of paint to the entire wheel to match the color of your rims. Allow it to dry, then apply a clear top coat to protect the paint from wear.

Step 5: Remove the Masking Tape

Finally, when the top coat dries completely, carefully remove the masking tape from all the areas to reveal your rims, which should now look brand new.


Driving can be an exciting experience, especially when you’re leisurely cruising down the road feeling like a boss in your fancy ride. But that pleasurable experience can easily be ruined by a jarring curb rash.

It’s an all-too-common problem for car enthusiasts. That’s why we’ve provided you with a comprehensive guide on how to fix curb rash on rims. 

Follow the tips, and you’re all set to hit the road! Well, maybe not too literally, though, since you’ve just hit the curb. We don’t want to be “curbed” by any other car troubles, do we?

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