How to Bypass Reduced Engine Power (Detailed Guide for Easy Solution)

Has your car ever blinked an unwelcomed message of reduced engine power while you’re in a hurry to somewhere really important? We know how it feels. It’s nothing short of a pain when you’re forcing the accelerator, but your ride keeps slowing down like it’s about to get a shut-eye.

This issue arises when your car’s ECU (Electronic Control Unit) detects a problem and reduces engine power. Why? Because it has to meet the engine demand. But how do you get rid of this?

Don’t worry; that’s what we’re here for. While it’s always suggested to head to a mechanic in case of engine problems, you can still note some suggestions to eliminate this issue. 

So, here are a few factors you can consider looking into if you’re curious about how to bypass reduced engine power.

Four Ways to Bypass Reduced Engine Power Problem

1. Check the Sensors

A faulty sensor may be a major factor when the “reduced engine power” light appears. Sensors are present near the air filter in most cars, and to fix this issue, we have to follow these steps;

  1. You can use a dry cloth to clean sensor surfaces.  
  1. If a problem still exists after cleaning, the sensors must be replaced. Additionally, they are inexpensive and widely available in the market.  

2. Check for Loose Connections

Having faulty connections are another frequent cause of reduced engine power indication. You need to follow the steps listed below to fix this.

  1. Check the battery connections to make sure everything is tidy and clean. A reduced engine power indication may be the result of loose connections.
  1. The electrical connections between the starter motor, alternator, and battery should all be checked. The electrical system may experience a malfunction and display the reduced engine power warning if there are loose or damaged connections.
  1. Look for any disconnected or loose hoses in the air intake system. It’s possible that the engine isn’t getting enough air if there’s a leak in the system, which could result in reduced power.
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Taking your car to a qualified mechanic or dealership for further diagnosis is advised if you cannot locate any loose connections in the systems mentioned above. 

3. Replace the Catalytic Converter

It takes a certain amount of expertise and knowledge of automobiles to replace a catalytic converter. You can refer to the following steps to replace the catalytic converter.

 1. Refer to the make and model of the vehicle and determine where the catalytic converter is located. Most frequently, it is found beneath the car. 

 2. You must disconnect the catalytic converter’s exhaust system.

 3. Remove the old catalytic converter from the vehicle. Sometimes the converter must be cut out using a torch or saw because it may have been welded into place.

 4. After installing the new catalytic converter, connect the exhaust system and ensure it is correctly positioned. 

 5. Start the engine now, and test if the new catalytic converter works correctly.  

It’s crucial to keep in mind that replacing a catalytic converter can be difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, it’s best to speak with a qualified mechanic.

4. Use the Performance Chip

Performance chips are aftermarket accessories that modify a car’s Electronic Control Unit (ECU). They might enhance the engine’s performance.

It’s important to remember that installing a performance chip may void your car’s warranty and that the manufacturer may not be responsible for any damage the chip causes.

If you’re considering installing a performance chip in your car, you should do research and consult a licensed mechanic to determine whether it’s a good fit for your vehicle.


Now that you know how to handle the dashboard warning that your engine power is dwindling, let’s say you continue to drive while it is illuminated; in that case, it further harms your car.

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This process is a relatively easy one. However, you should complete each step with care and caution. 

Regular car maintenance will be beneficial because you may not experience these issues right away, but they will arise at some point during the lifespan of your car. Despite your best efforts, your vehicle may experience issues for reasons beyond your control.

We sincerely hope you found the knowledge in this article helpful. We hope you can quickly diagnose and fix your message about reduced engine power. 

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